Terms and Conditions
This document sets out the Terms upon which GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD is prepared to provide Security Services to the Person, Firm or Company
referred to in this agreement as the Client whose name and address is set out thereof within the schedule. The Contract between GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT
LTD and the Client comprises of the Golden Crown Management Terms, set out below and any special conditions set out on the schedule.
1- The Company shall provide security as described at the premises detailed overleaf for the minimum period of 3 months.
2- Cancellation will not be accepted for 3 months from the date the cancellation notice is received in writing unless negotiated between Golden Crown Management
Ltd and the Client or authorised and accepted in writing by the company within this time. All other cancellations shall be put in writing by the customer to the company
allowing a minimum period of 90 day notice.
3- GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD will provide the services for the Client in accordance with the details set out in the schedule.
4- This Contract shall apply from the date set out in the schedule until termination in accordance with the provisions set out below.
5- The price of the services outlined in the schedule shall be subject to the addition of VAT and reimbursement of any additional expenditure for any description which
may be incurred by GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD on behalf of the Client, Must be paid within 30 days, provided that any such additional expenditure
has been agreed by the Client in writing.
6- In consideration of payment of the service, GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD shall supply the Client at the places and on the occasions detailed in the
schedule, together with any further services at any other locations required by the Client.
7- GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD agrees to indemnify the Client for loss or damage to tangible goods and property belonging to or held in trust by the
Client and arising from negligence or wilful default on the part of GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD. (Or its agents or sub-contractors) but excluding any
consequential losses (unless specifically covered and referred to below).
8- lt is the Client’s specific responsibility to ensure that telephones provided for security purposes, use call barring facilities to prevent any and all unauthorised
telephone calls. GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD specifically excludes responsibility for any telephone calls made from the site for whatever reason.
9- The limits of indemnity provided by GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD are as follows:
9.1 Employers liability is limited to TEN MILLION POUNDS (£10,000,000).
9.2 Public liability is limited to TWO MILLION POUNDS (£2,000,000). ln respect to any one occurrence or event.
9.3 Financial Loss is limited to TWO MILLION POUNDS (£2,000,000).
9.4 Fidelity bonding extension is limited to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS (£100,000). For any One Employee.
9.5 Any Efficacy and contractual Liability is limited to TWO MILLION POUNDS, (£2,000,000).
9.6 Product Efficacy including wrongful Advice is limited to TWO MILLION POUNDS, (£2,000,000).
9.7 Misuse of Customer Telephones is limited to TEN THOUSAND POUNDS, (£10,000).
9.8 Any one occurrence or event arising out of, or relating to the wrongful arrest shall be limited to TWO MILLION POUNDS (£2,000,000).
9.9 Any claim for loss of Clients keys shall be limited to the sum of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS (£25,000) including any consequential loss arising from
such a claim.
10. Any claim against GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD or the GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD insurance policy will be subject to an excess of
11- ln the event of the Client requiring a higher level of insurance cover than that specified above, such increased level shall be at the cost to the Client and will not be
put in force until any necessary adjustment in premium has been paid in full by the Client.
12- All liability arising from any extraneous duties, unless specifically agreed in writing, is excluded, as is failure to carry out services occasioned by one or more of
the following:
12.1 ln the event GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD delivers any equipment, tools, lighting, fencing or mobile office on a permanent or temporary basis, any
subsequential loss or damage to this property will be covered by the Client, the Client’s company or the Client’s insurance company should a claim arise.
12.2 War, acts of hostile forces, civil disturbance or extensive disruption of public services.
12.3 Strike, lockout or any other labour dispute affecting the employees of either GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT Ltd or the Client, whereby GOLDEN
CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD is prevented in carrying out the services. Further, GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD is under no obligation to provide
service if such as a strike/break-in prevents them from doing so (unless specifically agreed in writing to the contrary and undertaken at the risk of the Client).
12.4 Any event beyond the control of GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD that prevents its operatives from traveling to the Clients premises, including
mechanical breakdown, adverse weather conditions and adverse traffic congestion.
12.5 Hazards due to defective structure or access, presence of noxious, toxic, combustible materials, explosives, radioactive substances or any other condition which in
the opinion of GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD shall render the premises dangerous.
13- Any claim against GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD of any description must be submitted in writing within 7 days of the occurrence or of the discovery
13.1 In so far as the Client is found to be responsible for any situation giving rise to liability which is either wholly or in part attributable to the act, omission, default or
any other conduct of the Client, then any payment by or on behalf of GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD will be reduced or proportionately reduced in respect
of such act, omission, default or other conduct.
13.2 Payment shall be made to GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD no later than 30 days after the invoice is sent. Failure to observe this strictly may result in
the cancellation of credit facilities/services. Terms of settlement are endorsed on invoices for Clients benefit and that under no circumstances will be available when an
invoice is overdue for payment.
13.3 ln the event of non-payment within the time stipulated, a charge of 2% over the Official Bank Rate will be charged per month per invoice price plus VAT and will
be due from the Client payable from the date when payment is due until the date of actual payment.
13.4 GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD should be under no obligation to provide any services if the Client is in breach of any conditions of this Contract.
14- GOLDEN CROWN MANAGEMENT LTD reserves the right to request from the Client permission to vary any of the services which it is obliged to supply under
this Contract in accordance with special circumstances including (but not limited to) illness, holidays, unsociable hours, geographical or other circumstances giving rise
to exceptional difficulty. For the avoidance of doubt, the Contract shall not be varied unless prior permission is obtained from the Client, such permission not to be
unreasonably withheld.
15- This agreement shall constitute the entire Contract between the parties and no variation will be accepted unless the same shall be in writing and signed by or on
behalf of both parties. The Client further acknowledges that no oral representation of any document is entered into this Contract or forms any part of.
16- Clients who contract for the provision of a mobile patrol service understand that the service is shared with other Clients and may be temporarily interrupted or
delayed if an incident delays a patrolman at another Client’s premises in the course of his rounds.
17- This Contract shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the Client agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England, to which all disputes